The internet is full of malicious bots. They attack websites, social media, and even IoT devices. Bots can cause chaos everywhere, and my website was no exception. Bots flooded it with harmful content, messed with data, and left confusing comments. I was frustrated, and I needed a solution—fast.
I found the solution with the Autoban module for Drupal. It scans logs and bans IP addresses automatically. After seeing its potential, I integrated it with a firewall. This stopped malicious IPs altogether, and my website was finally secure.
In this guide, I'll show you how to protect your website from bots using Drupal’s Autoban module. Here’s how I did it.
Steps to Protect Your Website
- Install the Autoban module for Drupal
Run the following commands to install:composer require 'drupal/autoban:^1.10'
drush en autoban
After installation, configure it as needed.
. 2. Install the Autoban Logger module
Run this to install:composer require 'drupal/autobanlogger:^1'
drush en autobanlogger
This module logs malicious IPs. To keep the log secure, go to /admin/config/system/autoban-logger
to choose where the file will be stored.
Now, if configured correctly, the Drupal Autoban module should write a text file to your specified directory. You can now have your firewall application read from that file.